Of all the ancient civilizations, Egypt has left the greatest legacy. Its monuments all evoke one indisputable truth: Early Egyptians were obsessed with death and the afterlife. On papyrus rolls and tomb walls, they recorded spells to help the deceased pass all the tests and creatures they would encounter in the underworld. These recordings were known as the Book of the Dead. B...
以《推拿》获得金马奖最佳改编剧本奖的编剧马英力,在纪录片《梦的背后》中执起导演筒,近身跟拍导演丈夫娄烨入围本届金马奖最佳导演的《风中有朵雨做的云》制作过程,从前期筹备、拍摄现场、后期制作。知名编剧张家鲁、摄影包轩鸣、演员秦昊、 井柏然、宋佳等主创人员也现身说法。除了见证一部电影的诞生,更侧面察看中国电影制作的现状,真实呈现摄影机外的疯狂世界。
十年之约,如约而至。回顾组合出道十年经典歌曲《青春修炼手册》《大梦想家》《宠爱》等。聚光灯下,这一次他们歌唱,是唱清澈的过往,是唱结实的理想。 2023年8月6日,TFBOYS组合十年之约演唱会,三个少年唱响我们的十年,让青春不散场。这个约定,比日出盛大,一起守住发过的栩栩如生的梦。
The movie tells the stories of nine girls from different parts of the world who face arranged marriages, child slavery, and other heartbreaking injustices. Despite these obstacles, the brave girls offer hope and inspiration. By getting an education, they're able to break barriers and create change. Written by Seventeen Magazine
Join TOMORROW X TOGETHER as They Take Viewers Along on Their First Ever World Tour in This Upcoming Disney+ Original Documentary. After a successful debut that saw TOMORROW X TOGETHER (pronounced “tomorrow by together”) take over the airwaves, the group are preparing to embark on their first world tour in TOMORROW X TOGETHER: OUR LOST SUMMER – a behind the scenes documentary co.
Foodborne pathogens kill around 3,000 people in the U.S. every year and hospitalize hundreds of thousands more. Romaine lettuce, cantaloupe, sprouts . . . all have been at the center of outbreaks which have become alarmingly frequent in recent years. Their solutions are simple, but protections are scattershot, with little bureaucratic will to enforce them. And yet, our politici...