
岛上书店 [2022][6.7分]

  A.J. Fikry's wife has died, his bookstore is in trouble, and now his prized rare edition of Poe poems has been stolen. But when a mysterious package appears, its arrival gives him the chance to make his life over and see things anew. A NYT Bestseller.

2023-05-27   6124

短信情缘 [2023][6.2分]


2023-05-25   3300

青春硬起来 [2023]

  Two best friends try to make it through high school while dealing with embarrassing new urges and their very inconvenient feelings for each other.

2023-05-25   3323

旺达·塞克丝:就是要搞笑 [2023]


2023-05-24   4342

西游ABC第一季 [2023][5.8分]


2023-05-24   4502

我爱迪克 [2017][8.6分]

  Kevin Bacon主演Amazon新喜剧《我爱迪克》(I Love Dick)试播集。该喜剧改编自1997年出版的小说《我爱迪克》(I Love Dick)。小说讲述德州Marfa一对夫妇Chris和Sylvere,迷上一个性格恶劣但颇有魅力的教授Dick。而这位教授由Kevin Bacon饰演。电视剧版将有较大改动。

2023-05-24   3978

特工家族 [2023][5.6分]

  完美人夫加上娇妻爱女,就一定是幸福家庭喜剧? 张赫、张娜拉第四度合作,饰演拥有双重身份的夫妻,老公表面上系平凡上班族,实际上系国情院特工杀手,老婆持家有道,热爱做家务,但深藏一个更加惊人的身世秘密。

2023-05-23   3633

文明社会 [2023][6.6分]

  Aspiring martial artist Ria Khan believes she must save her older sister, Lena, from her impending marriage. With the help of her friends, Ria attempts to pull off the most ambitious of all wedding heists in the name of independence and sisterhood.   源自:

2023-05-22   2953

诺妞的奢华喜剧第一季 [2012][8.5分]

  It's safe to say Luxury Comedy is quite unlike anything else on television - it's a merry fusion of live action and animation, all topped over with music by Kasabian's Sergio Pizzorno.   Here's the deal... Noel lives in a jungle tree house with his anteater butler (Mike Fielding), Andy Warhol his cleaner (Tom Meeten), and German trendy Dolly (Dolly Wells).

2023-05-22   2465

别告诉她 [2019][7.2分]


2023-05-22   4193