
哈林四女子第二季 [2023]


2023-02-03   2888

万物生灵第一季 [1978][9.2分]

  James Herriot is a vet in Yorkshire, England, during the 1940's. He is assigned to the practice of Siegfried Farnon, who (together with his mischievous brother Tristan) already have a successful business. James undergoes a variety of adventures during his work, which are just as often caused by the characters of the county (including the Farnon brothers) as the animals in his c...

2023-02-03   4251

七年厄运 [1921][8.4分]

  After breaking a mirror in his home, superstitious Max tries to avoid situations which could bring bad luck-- but in doing so, causes himself the worst luck imaginable.

2023-02-03   2494

调职到乐队! [2022][6.6分]


2023-02-03   2618

一切没问题 [2021]


2023-02-03   2703

我命中注定的人 [2017][7.6分]

  正木诚(龟梨和也饰)是一个非常普通的青年,从小到大都没什么桃花运,总是不受女性的待见。一天,一个自称是神的男子(山下智久饰)出现在了阿诚的面前,他告诉阿诚,在阿诚办公室的隔壁有一个名叫湖月晴子(木村文乃饰)的女孩,她就是他命中注定的恋人,两人在互不知情的情况下,已经擦身而过无数次了。而这一次,如果他们不能够走到一起,那么世界就会毁灭。   背负着拯救世界的重任,阿诚向晴子表白了。然而,晴子是一个对待恋爱和婚姻特别认真的女性,自然不会相信阿诚这突如其来的告白。与此同时,晴子的高中同学定冈光圀(满岛真之介饰)出现在了晴子的身边,两人的关系急速拉近中。

2023-02-02   3783

鬼咬鬼 [1990][7.3分]


2023-02-01   3792

硬币问魂 [2021]

2023-02-01   2811

土豆的美国梦 [2021][5.9分]

  A true story about a gay boy growing up in the collapsing USSR, his courageous mail-order bride mother, and their adventurous escape to Seattle in the 90s.

2023-01-31   2824