
比特 [2018][7.2分]


2024-09-03   3307

投敌者 [2020][7.6分]

  根据畅销书“ DerÜberläufer”改编,讲述了一个二战德国国防军士兵的故事,他经历了第二次世界大战的疯狂,并逃往红军

2024-09-03   3267

马克西米利安 [2016][8.4分]

  In 1477 Charles the Bolds dies, his only child is a girl which cannot rule w/o a husband. Meanwhile in Austria, Emperor Frederick III and his antagonist Louis XI France battle over said marriage prospects, battles ensue, tragedy falls.

2024-09-03   4662

良师难为 [2024]


2024-09-03   831

性爱大师 1-4季 [2016][8.5分]

  《性爱大师第四季》(Masters of Sex Season 4)是由约翰·麦登执导,迈克尔·辛、丽兹·卡潘主演的剧情电视剧。《性爱大师第四季》(Masters of Sex Season 4)故事描述了上世纪六十年代所谓的「人类性行为探索者」William Masters(Michael Sheen)77mi.cc和Virginia Johnson(Lizzy Caplan)的生活及对当时流行文化的影响。据称正是因为这两个人对性爱进行深入研究,才触发了当时西方社会特别是美国的「性革命」。Caitlin Fitzgerald扮演男女主人公中的「第三者」--男主人公Masters的妻子Libby Masters。

2024-09-03   10732

法官大人 [2022][8.2分]

  An incorruptible judge has spent his career fighting organized crime. However, tables are turned when his son is guilty of a hit-and-run case.

2024-09-02   3371

昨天我们还是孩子 [2022]

  When Peter snaps his actions cause his family ties to be broken forever, catapulting his three children into turmoil. His past finally catches up with him, also affecting the intertwined fates of three associated families.

2024-09-02   1163

前妻 [2022]

  Tasha has the perfect house, a loving husband and a beautiful little girl. Her life could be perfect if it wasn't for Jen, her husband's ex-wife who just won't leave them alone.

2024-09-02   3045

大世界之旅 [2016][9.6分]

  Follow Jeremy, Richard, and James, as they embark on an adventure across the globe. Driving new and exciting automobiles from manufactures all over the world.

2024-09-02   6733

黑道家族 1-6季 [9分]

《黑道家族》(The Sopranos)是描写美国纽泽西州北部义大利裔黑手党的虚构电视影集,制作人是David Chase。1999年1月10日在北美HBO首播第一季。本影集自开播以后就非常成功,甚至成为一种文化现象。   本剧拥有广大的收视群,其开创性地以写实镜头呈现黑手党生活、美国家庭、义裔美国人社群、暴力支配的世界与道德的灰色地带,赢得观众、影评的诸多喝采。如同许多其他HBO制播的影集如《六呎风云》、《欲望城市》,《黑道家族》也以成年人的收视群众为主,因为其镜头包含了许多血腥暴力、正面裸露、毒品及亵渎性的文字。

2024-09-01   28512