
第四阶段 [1974][6.8分]

  号称是美国七十年代最非著名的一部科幻电影杰作,导演索尔·巴斯是设计师,还曾两次获过奥斯卡奖,但不知为何这部经典的心理科幻片至今都没出DVD。   Desert ants suddenly form a collective intelligence and begin to wage war on the desert inhabitants. It is up to two scientists and a stray girl they rescue from the ants to destroy them. But the ants have other ideas.   Phase

2022-10-15   2761

例外 [2022]

  “我们该如何定义‘人’?”本剧制作阵容强大,由安达宽高(乙一)出任编剧,天野喜孝担纲角色设计,坂本龙一配乐,佐藤雄三执导,携手打造全新原创太空恐怖科幻故事!   在遥远的未来,人类被迫离开地球,移民到另一个星系。一支先遣队奉命出发,寻找适合居住的星球。所有星舰成员都是以生物 3D 打印的方式一一制造,没想到过程中机器意外故障,导致其中一位成员路易变成畸形。随着路易接连攻击同僚妮娜、麦克、帕蒂和奥斯卡,星舰也陷入黑暗骇人的境地,任务结束的倒数计时正式开始。

2022-10-14   6364

看见第三季 [2022][8.4分]

  After Baba Voss (Jason Momoa) defeated his nemesis brother Edo and retreated into the forest, an explosive new threat emerges that no one is safe from. Will the greatest warrior of his time have what it takes to protect those that mean the most to him? The final chapter of SEE begins August 26 on Apple TV+   SEE is set in a brutal and primitive future, hundreds of years after hum.

2022-10-14   3733

维斯珀 [2022][6.3分]

  At some point in the future the Earth’s ecosystem collapses. A tough 13-year-old called Vesper, whose father is paralysed, tries to get food for them wherever she can. When she finds a mysterious woman in the forest one day she starts to hope that things will change… Thanks to a combination of a unique artistic concept, strong performances from the cast, and an imaginative scor...

2022-10-12   4940

第五大道第二季 [2022][7.4分]

  HBO宣布续订尚在播放首季的太空喜剧《#第五大道# Avenue 5》第二季,《第五大道》由《副总统 Veep》主创Armando Iannucci负责开发,Hugh Laurie饰演太空船「第五大道」的船长Ryan Clark。

2022-10-12   3460

蝙蝠侠和超人:超凡双子之战 [2022][7.0分]

  DC Animation is producing its first-ever fully CGI animated film in the form of DC Battle of the Super Sons, which will hit home video in 2022.

2022-10-12   3369

天外谜踪 [2022][6.4分]

  《天外迷踪》主角为洪智孝,她试图在 UFO 俱乐部成员的帮助下找到失踪的男友。在这个过程中,智孝发现了一个神秘谜团。

2022-10-08   3220

秘密总部 [2022][4.9分]


2022-10-08   3242

独行月球 [2022][6.6分]

  人类为抵御小行星的撞击,拯救地球,在月球部署了月盾计划。陨石提前来袭,全员紧急撤离时,维修工独孤月(沈腾 饰)因为意外,错过了领队马蓝星(马丽 饰)的撤离通知,一个人落在了月球。不料月盾计划失败,独孤月成为了“宇宙最后的人类”,开始了他在月球上破罐子破摔的生活……

2022-10-08   5822

记忆囚笼 [2021]


2022-10-07   2902