
贝尔蒂·格雷戈里:与动物零距离 [2023][9.0分]

  Bertie Gregory is back, and this time, the adventures are even more epic! Bertie takes us to the most spectacular corners of our planet — from Antarctica to Africa and South America to Asia – tracking down extraordinary animals to capture their daily lives like never before. Armed with drones, state-of-the-art cameras, and underwater tech, he and his team brave subzero seas, cl...

2023-09-14   5297

制霸擂台梦第一季 [2023]

  Ohio Valley Wrestling of Louisville, Kentucky is a regional wrestling gym whose alumni include Brock Lesnar, The Miz, John Cena, Dave Bautista, and Randy Orton. Once a proud finishing school for aspiring pro wrestlers, the gym has since hit hard times. Acclaimed wrestler Al Snow clings to an old-school wrestling philosophy with a heavy emphasis on storytelling, but in spite of ...

2023-09-13   5278

约翰·威尔逊的十万个怎么做第三季 [2023][9.4分]

  In the third and final season of HOW TO WITH JOHN WILSON, documentary filmmaker and self-described “anxious New Yorker” John Wilson continues his heartfelt mission of self-discovery, exploration, and observation as he films the lives of his fellow New Yorkers while attempting to give everyday advice on six new deceptively simple and wildly random topics. Nathan Fielder (HBO’s “...

2023-09-12   12125

罗莎的自白 [2023]

  This true-crime documentary film features Rosa Peral's first interview from prison since she was convicted of murdering her partner aided by an ex-lover.

2023-09-09   20964

NCT127:The Lost Boys [2023]


2023-09-06   13477

黑暗童子军:美国童子军内幕解密 [2023][6.3分]


2023-09-06   11368

食肉动物 [2022]

  在这个瞬息万变的环境中,每个掠夺者都必须克服新的挑战,抓住新的机遇。对于加拿大的北极熊、津巴布韦的野狗、智利的美洲狮、博茨瓦纳的狮子和坦桑尼亚的猎豹来说,这是终极的权力斗争。赌注从未如此之大——谁会赢,谁会输?   我们跟随这五位顶级掠食者在生命的关键时刻的故事,他们试图确保下一代的未来。这些人是致命的猎人、充满爱心的父母和狡猾的幸存者,他们在求生的过程中掌握着秘密和惊心动魄的故事,要应对多重责任。   最先进的摄像机技术将把观众带到世界各地令人惊叹的地点,以亲密的细节揭示掠食者的生活,让观众沉浸在他们复杂的世界中。一群配角动物角色,分享这些掠食者的王国,随着他们周围的世界的变化,他们的关系和权力斗争也发生了巨大的变化,紧张气氛也随之加剧。

2023-09-06   17247

我心我行 [2022]

  实验性纪录剧情长片《我心我行》,编导/摄影 姚宏易、监制 侯孝贤、主演 许芳宜、特别演出 谢盈萱、陈竹昇、孙翠凤。   舞蹈家许芳宜的半自传的实验性纪录剧情长片,之前在《俗女养成记2》有合作的陈竹昇、谢盈萱饰演许爸许妈。金马59入围最佳摄影、最佳动作设计、最佳原创电影音乐三项。11月11日院线上映。

2023-09-01   8704

长命百岁:蓝色宝地的奥秘第一季 [2023][7.8分]


2023-08-31   8896