
珠峰女王:拉克帕·夏尔巴 [2023][8.5分]

  The first Nepali woman to summit and descend Mount Everest — now a single mom working at a Connecticut Whole Foods — heads back to Everest to make a better life for her two daughters.

2024-07-31   3223

电影之旅 [2019][8.1分]

  The histories of classic popular movies are examined.

2024-07-29   3394

马达加斯加 [2011][9.2分]

  David Attenborough爵士在这个迷人的自然纪录片中讲述在马达加斯加岛上生活的各种不同物种。因为远离非洲大陆,马达加斯加多年来未被发现,它的孤立使之成为进化的温床,本纪录片研究了各种在此陆地上土生土长的动物和植物。   Sir David Attenborough narrates this fascinating nature documentary series which profiles the variety of different species that live on the island of Madagascar. Because of its distance away from the African continent, Madagascar remained undiscovered for many years.

2024-07-29   3234

黄石公园 [2019]

  It's a place where snow meets fiery underground forces and where waters travel from Rocky Mountain peaks to the Great Plains. This is Yellowstone, home to some of the most spectacular landscapes and wildlife in America. Join host Bill Pullman on an exploration of its colorful springs and raging waters, its glittering winters and lush summers, and its returning packs of predator...

2024-07-28   3035

性、死亡与生命的意义 [2012][7.5分]

  Ideas about the soul and the afterlife, of sin and God's purpose have shaped human thinking for thousands of years. Religious rituals remain embedded in the major events of our lives.   In this thought-provoking series, evolutionary biologist Richard Dawkins asks what happens if we leave religion behind.

2024-07-24   3477

劳瑞娜 [2019][7.9分]


2024-07-23   3279

千子之父:捐精狂奇案 [2024]

  《千子之父:捐精狂奇案》揭露了一个迷人的荷兰骗子乔纳森·迈耶的惊人故事:他被指控周游世界,大规模地欺骗女性与他生育孩子。这部包含三个部分的剧集深入调查了生育产业的阴暗面,揭示了缺乏全球性的监管如何导致一些国际生育诊所仍然允许匿名捐精行为。   本剧集独家采访了一群既热忱又饱受创伤的家长,讲述了这位 YouTube 红人在全球各地欺骗孩子家长的曲折故事,同时也记录了他们如今如何决心推动法律改革,以防止他继续蒙骗无辜之人。

2024-07-22   4634

如果今天建造第一季 [2019]

  In this series we discover a new way of looking at the most amazing creations of mankind by seriously posing the question, "What would it take if we built it today?" This thoughtful exploration of what has been gained and what has been lost in our race to the future, If We Built It Today is a unique take on the world's greatest building projects.   Episodes include…

2024-07-20   3388

罗马帝国:鲜血的统治 [2016][7.4分]


2024-07-20   6161