
亡命刺杀令 [2021]

  The series centres around crime syndicates that temporarily release contracted prison inmates to carry out political assassinations for those in power, except that the crime syndicates are run by politicians. The series also puts a spotlight on the real-world predicament concerning fake news and how easily truth can be manufactured and disseminated to the public in today's age ...

2024-03-24   1956

两座山 [2022][7.0分]

  如果由于生物战,几乎所有男性人口都会死亡,会发生什么?女性会悲伤(在短时间内),然后她们将团结起来,创造一个更美好的新世界——拥有生态城镇、可再生能源、为所欲为的机会,甚至是科学和生物黑客,甚至是瑜伽和自我发展。现在通过人工授精进行繁殖,新世界只有女孩出生。   但并不是每个人都喜欢这样的世界秩序。一些忠于他们的幸存男女前往废弃的城市生活,开始偷电,享受自由和传统的性爱。当来自生态城市“两山”的拉达老师在外面遇到年轻的“灵长类动物”赫拉时,理想安排的女性世界的安宁受到了威胁。

2024-03-22   1830

沙漠之眼 [2024]


2024-03-16   2903

夺宝天团 [2024][6.2分]

  Follow Miguel and his accomplice Lilí, who are attempting to retrieve a treasure from an underwater shipwreck of a Spanish galleon that sank during the War of Independence on the Atlantic coast of Mexico. The pair must ask for the assistance of a group of bandits to accomplish the underwater heist but they later find out they are not the only ones after the forgotten treasure.

2024-03-13   2860

我女儿的妈妈 [2021][7.2分]

  After finding out their babies were switched at birth, two women develop a plan to adjust to their new lives creating a single and very peculiar family.

2024-03-13   3262

索菲娅 [2016][7.6分]


2024-03-12   4581

K-LOVE [2022]

  K-LOVE @mke6.com

2024-03-04   2946

血与水 [2020]


2024-03-01   1747

踩界法庭 [2024]


2024-03-01   2019