
皮佐法科尼的混蛋们 [2017][7.8分]


2023-10-24   3960

佳偶天成 [2023]

  Made In Heaven chronicles the lives of Tara and Karan, two wedding planners based in Delhi. India is a potent blend of old and new. Tradition jostles with modern aspirations against the backdrop of a Big Fat Indian Wedding revealing many secrets and many lies. The supposedly liberal fabric of the upper crust unravels as the duo navigate through arranged marriages, dowry transac...

2023-10-21   4326

逃离黑水 [2023]


2023-10-19   4469

泪之谷 [2020][8.3分]


2023-10-15   5687

4EVER [2023]

  Young musicians Andy, Ian, Ciro, and Darío meet by chance at a restaurant, where they get involved in an unexpected situation: A valuable guitar has just disappeared. To recover the guitar and return it to its owner, they must put together a band.

2023-10-11   4100

我们的成长日记第二季 [2023]

  Tornano a scuola i ragazzi di Marina Piccola insieme a nuove facce e forse anche nuovi amori. Pronti per questo rientro a scuola?!

2023-10-11   5247

孟买日记11/26 [2021]


2023-10-06   3938

毒枭俱乐部 [2019][6.3分]

  Dealing with the pressure of his father and his need to be someone, Pablo decides to start a new shady, tricky business that will lead him to some happy but tragic experiences.

2023-09-16   4072

爱在俱乐部 1-2季


2023-09-16   3869

穿越时空的女巫 1-2季 [2019][6.2分]

  卡门是一名奴隶也是女巫。她今年 19 岁,即将被绑在火刑柱上处死,因为她犯下了不可饶恕的罪行:爱上一名白人。不过,一名年长的男巫为她提供了得救的办法 — 穿越时空,去往没人相信女巫存在的地方。如果卡门答应放弃使用法力,就能获得穿越能力。卡门同意并发现自己置身于当今的哥伦比亚,开始了新的生活,认识朋友,甚至去上了大学。但是,一日为女巫,终身为女巫。

2023-09-16   3685